St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Welcome to Friday... our last day of half term
Today we all have the same tasks so all of our work is below...
My Senses Poem on Good Friday
Today we will complete our next senses poem on what it would have been like to have been watching the events of 'Good Friday'. How would you have felt seeing this happen to Jesus? The poems I have seen so far have been amazing. Below you will find my example and scaffold. Print my scaffold out, type it onto my scaffold or write it into your green book.
Imagine what you would have seen, heard, smelt, tasted and touched had you been there. REMEMBER, you can use your description to be more symbolic and to show your understanding of the meaning behind the story.
Year 2 be creative with your word choices; your adjectives help sheet may come in handy.
Completing our Triptychs
Our next activity is to finish our triptychs. This will be the middle window which is for our Good Friday image. Don't worry that we haven't got a window for our Easter Sunday image; we will be creating a 'Resurrection Cross' after Easter. I would love to see your triptychs when they are done. See my blog post from yesterday for my end of term raffle details. I will do the draw at 3.30 today and post the video so you know who has won!
Below are some images that might help you...
Making our Easter Card
Usually we would have made some Easter craft activities at school; maybe even chocolate nest cakes! Sadly, we haven't been able to do that so I am about to make a little video of an idea for a card you might like to make for
your families. You will need;
Don't expect too great an example!!!
Enjoy your day and watch out for my blog later on. I'll put the art video and raffle draw onto here.