St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Hello everyone. We have seen some super work this week and given out plenty of star emojis! I have recorded another loom lesson for your RE today, I hope you enjoy it. Have a lovely day.
We have been so impressed with your photos and videos of everyone practising their sounds and joining in with the Read Write Inc videos. Here are today's sounds.
Set 1 speed sounds, today's sound is u
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
Set 2 speed sounds ay (Set 2 sounds will start again if your child is now more confident with Set 1 sounds then you can have a go at the set 2 sounds)
Set 2 spellings
If your child has been joining in with the Set 2 sounds they can still watch them again to become more familiar if they wish, but we would like them to carry on now and have a go at the Red words 1 lesson and Hold a sentence lesson 1. Just scroll down they are towards the bottom of the page.
If they really fancy a challenge they can begin Set 3 sounds, however it is really important to retain the Set 2 sounds so it might be better to keep practising those sounds first. Below is a sheet with all the set 2 sounds on you can print off and keep for practising or you can just write the 'special friends' sounds on a piece of paper and see if your child can say the sound.
Here is the link to todays maths- session 3 today.
Here is a link to your video for today. There is no worksheet to complete but at the end of the video it does ask for you to practise the skills.