St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning!
Would you like to join us on Zoom for some activities today?
The Zoom link is the one we used in lockdown and is on my blog.
9:10am - Class novel
11am - English
1:30pm - We have the police in at 1:30pm to do a talk about anti-social behaviour, so it would be great if you can join us for that too.
Here is a short reading task you can do before or after class novel.
Maths - Y6 - Harder Lesson
LO: To multiply decimals by integers
Maths - Y5 - Easier Lesson
LO: To understand thousandths as decimals
LO: To write a setting description that uses amplification
You are welcome to join us for the lesson at 11am, on the Zoom link.
Resources are underneath.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Time for 30 minutes of silent reading.
Can you spot any examples of amplification in your book?
1:30pm - PSHE
Talk by the CCSOs about Anti-Social behaviour.
Join us on Zoom.
Make a poster about what you learned in the talk.
Write about the piece of prayer art work you did yesterday, in a similar way that you wrote about your RE art last week.
Try to describe the piece of art, explaining the symbolism and reasons why you included what you did. It should include explanations about what prayer means to you.