Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Thursday 23rd April

Good morning everyone,

Happy St. George's Day! A huge thank you to you and your parents for picking your new learning packs up yesterday. They look big, but we will let you know when you need the resources out of them. smileyAlso, thank you for your blogging and emails. Mrs Rogers and I love to see what you have been up to.

Our learning today will be;

  • PE with Joe (if you fancy!)
  • Writing - RE link to the Easter resurrection story
  • Maths - this will be on your year group page. Everything else is on here today.
  • RE / Art task of making our colourful crosses


To start our day, let us start with a prayer...

From the Galileo videos use the link below to click onto...

Prayer for our world

Guess who I found in school yesterday?

click on the video link below to find out... go to Galileo Class and 'A Message from Mrs Wadley.'

Our Writing Task


Before our Easter break you had written some amazing senses poems on the events of Holy Week. We didn't reach the actual events of Easter Sunday, when the darkness and sadness of Holy Week changed into light, joy and hope.


Below I include the Bible reading of Easter Sunday. Please read it and then we will complete our final senses poem...

Your task is to write you final 'Senses Poem'; imagining that you were there on that day. Maybe you could write as one of the women who returned to the tomb; think about what you thought and saw when the tomb was empty. What did you see and hear when the angel appeared? 

You may like to write as Peter, who did not believe what Mary Magdalene had told him until he saw the proof with his own eyes. 

Year 1 - write clear sentences with capital letters at the start and for the names of people. Remember to end with a full stop.... Or try using an exclamation mark; for example 'Mary was shocked!' Or end with a question mark 'Peter asked how could this be?'

Year 2 please also do above but make interesting language choices using adjectives to describe what you see, hear, smell, taste and feel. Remember these can be symbolic not exact objects.


Remember, that these events took place over 2000 years ago. So today, you may like to use your 'old' looking paper to record your ideas. Look at the picture in your pack too. This shows the ladies in the empty tomb being told by the angel that Jesus is risen. Can you see her pointing up to the sky. Notice the dark colours inside the tomb, but the light glowing from outside of  the tomb and around the main cross on the hill.


Why do you think the artist did this?





I enclose my scaffold and example below. I look forward to seeing your wonderful ideas. You can write about any part of this morning. I have written as Mary going to the tomb first thing in the morning and seeing the angel.

You may write about when Jesus appeared to you or when you told Peter.

If you are Peter, you might like to write about your journey to the tomb and then seeing Jesus with your own eyes.

Scaffold and example... remember you can use your 'old looking paper' sheet

Complete your work with a picture if you like...there should be room.

Maths work


Please go to your year group page for this, but then return to this page for your afternoon activity.

Our Art/ Religion resurrection cross designs


Follow the link below to my introduction to our cross designs, then hava look at the other examples I have pictured below.


Think about your cross design, 

  • what symbols would you like on it? 
  • Are you going to put a few ideas and symbols together or represent a scene such as the Last Supper? 
  • What colours are you going to use? 
  • What background would you like? rays of light or a blue sky etc..,? 



This  afternoon you may like to study the ideas below and sketch out your design in pencil, then tomorrow be ready with your watercolours or other paints or colours to paint and decorate your cross. 



Click on the video link below and you will find this video on the Galileo video page

Cross design ideas

More cross ideas

Have a wonderful day everyone! 