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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 17th November 2021

Good morning! It's wonderful to be able to welcome more of you back today, but for those of you still at home, here are today's learning opportunities.

(Please make sure you check the blog tomorrow morning as I will be posting a Zoom link for the science lesson.)

Wednesday Word

Maths for Mrs Charmer's Group

LO: To recall the 4 times tables

Year 5-6  Maths Lesson

LO: To understand common factors

  1. Use the video to guide you through the maths lesson, stopping and starting when asked.
  2. Choose from the two different sheets below and complete the questions.
  3. Mark your work.
  4. Go back and try again, any you got wrong.
  5. Have a go at the True or False question to check your understanding.

Year 5-6 Lesson Video - Common factors


LO: To identify problems and solutions

  1. Open the Chapter Activity Sheet and look up the meanings of each of the words.  You can use a dictionary or the online dictionary below.
  2. Read Chapter 5 of our class novel Kensuke's Kingdom - look out for those words while you're reading.
  3. Find 3 problems faced by Michael in the chapter and write them in problem bubbles.
  4. Now, in 3 solution bubbles, write down what Michael did to solve those problems.
  5. Write a prediction for chapter 6.


LO: To revise speech punctuation

In this lesson, you will practise writing speech at the beginning and end of sentences with a focus on accurate punctuation.

  1.  You will need some paper, a pencil and a highlighter (or pale coloured pencil or felt-tip).
  2. When the video begins, the teacher will talk about a 'journalistic writing' unit of work...we are not doing this unit however...just using this particular video for our outcome today.
  3. Click on the link and follow the instructions on the video to remember how to use accurate speech punctuation.
  4. Complete the picture activity, punctuating the dialogue accurately.



LO: To understand how being different could affect someone's life


Open the worksheet and follow the instructions for your PSHE lesson.
