Good morning!
I hope you had a lovely half term. Sorry to hear that you are off today. Here is the learning for today.
We would usually be reading our group reading books first thing, so make sure you take at least half an hour to read at home this morning. Choose an activity from the 'activity cards' and complete it. You could do this activity on a computer if you can.
Maths - Y6 recap lesson
LO: To divide by 10, 100 and 1000
This follows on from yesterday's lesson.
- Use the video to guide your way through the lesson, stopping and starting it when asked.
- Complete the questions and then mark your work.
- Make sure you do any improvements and have another go at questions you got wrong.
- Try the True or False question to help assess your understanding.
LO: What can you find out about an endangered animal that lives in the rainforest?
- Today you are going to do some research about an endangered animal. Tomorrow the research will be used to create a presentation.
- Open the PowerPoint.
- Read slide 2 for an overview of the lessons: Endangered Species.
- Re-read the first two facts and then watch the video (The link is on the PowerPoint).
- (The rest of slide 2 is what they are going to be doing in school today and can just choose any of the animals you wish to research...if you are in tomorrow, you will be able to join in with a group to make the presentation)
- Read slides 3 to 6 to find out about some endangered animals.
- Now, choose one of the animals from the slides and do some more research about them.
- The research needs to be presented beautifully. It should include the notes from your research but also 'be more' than just a list of facts. You should add illustrations, diagrams and a concept map to support your notes and think carefully about the layout of your work.
LO: To spell words ending in 'able'
- Use the PowerPoint for the spelling lesson.
- Complete the handwriting and other spelling activities.
- Spend some quality time with your spelling journal to help learn the spellings.