RECEPTION OPEN DAYS 2025-2026 will be held on Thursday 14th November 9.30-10.30am and Saturday 23rd November 10.00-11.00am. Please telephone 01625 877688 to reserve your space..............Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 25th Jan

Today's home learning activities are below. If you would like to send us some pictures of your work at home please use the 'add observation' on Tapestry and add a short description of your child's learning. We look forward to seeing your learning from today! 


Phonics: You will have received the virtual classroom video links via Tapestry for your child's Read Write inc learning for today.




Please watch the video by clicking on the link below and then complete the activity. 




Year 1 maths

Please click on the link for today's maths video. Then use the worksheet to complete the activities. 


In school we would normally be doing PE and music on a Tuesday afternoon. So if you fancy getting active you might like to get outside in your garden or if you like click on the link below and join in with the cosmic kids dinosaur themed activities.


There is a fun music game where you will be able to practise some of the skills we have been learning in our music lessons in school. Can you find the beat? What sounds do you like? Click on the link to explore the music.


If you would like to continue our dinosaur theme you might like to have a go at drawing a dinosaur. you could draw your own or you might like to join in with this 'draw with Rob' where he teaches us how to draw a 'Gregosaurus'!

