Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Week commencing Monday 22nd June

Here are your topic lessons for this week. I hope you enjoy them.



I'm pleased to hear that many of you have been enjoying learning about plants and I'm sure you are great spotting the different types of plants when you are out and about. Today your Science lesson is about different types of trees. Share the slides and then complete the activity sheet from your Home Learning pack, either worksheet 4A or 4B. If you look at the planning sheet, you will also notice there's a task which can be done by going on a walk to identify different trees, you may prefer to do this as a family. If you do choose to do the more practical task then there's a sheet to fill in called 'Tree Identification Chart' which you can download below. 

Additional Science Activity 2 Living In Habitats


Our work on plants links very well into our first look at what makes something 'Living.' Through this first lesson on 'Living in Habitats' you will be looking to recognise those things that are living, things that used to be alive and things that have never been alive. Choose the level of activity you would like to complete...


Over the past few weeks you have been finding out about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and creating art work which is inspired by him. Today is your final lesson on Andy Goldsworthy. To start with I thought you may enjoy reading a non-fiction book all about outdoor art. This book can be read following the link below.

Once you have read the book it would be great if you could create your own art outdoors. Use any natural resources you can find, just be creative! I have shared a few pictures for a little more inspiration. 


A few ideas

It would be lovely if you could share your ideas either by email or the Galileo blog. 

Additional Art Activity


If you have your creative hat on and fancy an additional art activity (we will be doing this in school), try your hand at these animal drawings/ paintings based on Australian Aboriginal art. 


It is week 4 of your online safety learning. Please download the activity sheet below. I hope you are finding these lessons helpful. 


The music lesson this week is called 'Suki Over the Ocean'. It focuses on repetition and different rhythms. Enjoy learning the new song and some of the other resources on the web page. 


This lesson is all about finding out about a beach. It's such a shame that we couldn't take you on a trip this summer, but much more important that we stay safe and well. Today you are going to be explorers. Explorers ask lots of questions and find things out. In the resource pack there are 6 case studies (4A - 4F) about different places. Choose one of the places to learn about and then create a leaflet or a poster. 


We know how important it is to be kind to people. At this difficult time we are hearing lots of lovely stories of how people have been kind to others. Being kind can really brighten up someone's day and it also helps us feel good too. Over the next week I would like you to be on a mission and do 'Random Acts of Kindness'. To start with think of 20 ways you can be kind and write them on the sheet (download below) and then your challenge is to do all 20 acts of kindness over the week! Colour each square in once you have achieved it. I have included one I have done myself, so you can take some ideas from this if you like. smiley

Random Acts of Kindness Sheet


Please continue with your daily exercise, it's important to keep us feeling fit and healthy. You can always join in with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Kids Yoga as extra exercise too. 

