St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Let's start with a warm up and some class novel.
Warm up!
How many times can you write the word 'friend' in one minute.
LO: To write a list poem
Activity 4: Try some alliteration
Let's start off today's lesson by developing some of the work you did yesterday when you made some combinations of places and abstract nouns. Today, try some alliteration. Alliteration is when words start with the same sound, so your place and abstract noun will need to start with the same sound.
For example: The castle of curiosity; the tower of terror; the field of fear.
Make 10 of your own alliterative combinations.
Activity 5: Judging your ideas.
Look at all of the ideas you have generated over the past two days.
★Read each idea aloud to listen to the effect it has on your ear - how does it sound?
★ Which ideas would surprise a reader?
★ Which ones have you never heard before?
★ Which ones immediately conjure up an image in your mind's eye?
Now pick your top 10 combinations and highlight them ready for the next activity.
Activity 6: Can you judge my ideas and be the teacher?
Have a go at judging some of my ideas.
★ Can you say why you have chosen the top one as your favourite?
★ What is it about it that you like?
Activity 7: Creating a simple list poem
Now, using your favourite 10 or so ideas, have a go at writing a simple list poem. They could have a theme such as darkness, happiness, lock-down or school, or just be combinations that you really liked. You could present your work in any way you like, using computers, your best handwriting, Word or even a video performance! You can also decorate it!
Email your finished poems, please as I'd love to make a display at school.
Maths: Year 5/6
LO: To read and interpret line graphs
Maths - Year 6
LO: Find pairs of values
Some more problem solving using shapes and letters to represent numbers.
Daily Internet Safety Lesson 2
Here are the answers to yesterday's lesson:
Activity 1: Alfie’s videos
2) Look at Resource Sheet 1: Alfie’s profile. Alfie has taken some important steps to make sure that he is safe when he is making videos and posting them online. Write down four steps Alfie has taken, either on the Resource Sheet or on paper. Answers will be posted tomorrow.
Activity 2: Being kind online
1) What do you remember about Episode 1 of Play Like Share?
2) Who wrote a mean comment about Alfie?
3) Who ‘liked’ the comment?
4) Why wasn’t this a kind thing to do?
5) Explain when we write or post something online, we must always think about how we might make other people feel.
6) What positive words could Ellie, Alfie and Sam use to describe each other?
7) Using Resource Sheet 2: Being kind online, write as many positive words and phrases as you can think of next to each character, using any clues in the video to help. Or, draw pictures of each character and add positive words to describe them.