St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Last call for your favourite 3 photos from lockdown please! It can be of you completing an activity or of you with a piece of work. Lots of smiles please!
Friday Routines
Complete a 192 challenge , make sure that your reading journal is up to date and do a spelling test. Here are the words you should be doing!
unlucky | undo | untidy | unusual | unhappy |
unable | disappear | disagree | disobey | disappoint |
mislead | mistake | misplace | misbehave | |
group | guide | heard | heart | height |
history | imagine | increase | important |
Please send me your scores, preferably by lunchtime!
If you didn't do the live music lesson with Craig McLeish from Young Voices yesterday, you can follow the link here to watch it on YouTube. Listen out for a few familiar names (and place) in the warm up song!
The lyrics that you need are in the link below. Enjoy!
L.O. To draw an Australian animal
I enjoyed your wetland habitat animals pictures so much last week, I thought we'd do something similar this week. This's weeks theme is Australia. There is a selection for you to choose from below and there's an Aboriginal style dotty picture if you'd prefer to do that style. Of course, you can do them all if you want! Share them on the blog!