St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Congratulations Oak class - you have made it to the last day of home schooling during Lockdown 3.0! You and your families have done an incredible job and we are so proud of you all! It was wonderful to see you all on Wednesday for our 'back to school zoom!' I thought I might pop some of the things we discussed below as a little reminder:
Year 5 Reminders
Come to school in your PE kit
Bring your maths homework into school
Be ready for your spelling test
Bring your bucket (from today's PSHE lesson)
wear school uniform
wear school uniform
Year 5 come to school in Forest School clothes
Bring in any pieces of work you are particularly proud of and would like to share from your home schooling experience!
Come to school in your PE kit.
Year 6
Monday - remember to:
Come to school in your PE kit
Bring your maths homework into school
Be ready for your spelling test
Bring your bucket (from today's PSHE lesson)
Bring in any pieces of work you are particularly proud of and would like to share from your home schooling experience!
Come to school in your PE kit.
Make some time today to get yourself organised for the week ahead using the list above!
Today's Learning:
PE - complete your final day of the 'Oak Class Circuit Challenge,' calculate your personal best for each activity and share your completed table with me!
RE - Watch Dan and Emily's Lent Reflection, finish Monday's RE and complete Friday's work.
PSHE - watch me reading 'Have You Filled a Bucket Today?' by Carol McCloud, design and create your own bucket for our classroom display. Blog five ideas you have that will help fill your class mate's buckets next week!
History - Year 5 and Year 6 have different lessons today.
Year 6 will be exploring what life was like in Anglo Saxon society. This will help you compare life in Britain under Anglo Saxon rule and Islamic Civilisation.
Year 5 will be exploring what life was like in Baghdad during 900AD
I would like you to complete the last day of Oak Class Circuit Challenge Week and use your completed tables from this week to calculate your personal best for each activity. Please send me your completed 'Oak Class Circuit Challenge Week' tables or if you're happy to, post them on the class blog. We will be completing this circuit together on Friday in our PE lesson at school!
As it's our last home learning PE lesson, why not complete your last PE with Joe or PE with the guys at PAS session, take a photo and blog it!
Click on the link below to watch Dan and Emily's daily Lent reflection!
Today in RE, we will be continuing our exploring the idea of 'Saints not Celebrities.' Last lesson we studied Pope Benedict's message to us all.
Today I would like you to:
1)I would like you to listen to me reading a story titled 'Have You Filled Your Bucket?' and help me to create something for our classroom next week.
click on the link below, go to Oak Class videos and click on the video titled 'Have You Filled Your Bucket?'
2) Draw or print out your bucket, decorate it and write your name on it ready for our display! Make them fabulous!
3) Bring in your decorate bucket on Monday and pop it in your tray.
4) Using ideas from the book along with your own, I would like you to write five ways you plan to 'fill your class mate's buckets' when we return to school on Monday. I would like you to blog your ideas using this sentence starter. 10 dojos goes to the best suggestions!
Sentence Starter - I will fill my class mate's buckets by...