St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Welcome to our topic page.
This terms topic is Jambo! This means hello in Swahili, a language that is spoken in Kenya, in Africa. This term, we will be learning all about the country of Kenya, where it is and how life there is different from life in the UK. We will also be learning about some of the animals that live there!
Here you will find a 'pick and mix' of learning opportunities for you to select during the week. Feel free to do as many as you like! Or you could create your own activities linked to our topic of 'Jambo!'. When you complete any activity please share them with us via Tapestry, or by email:
Click on the link below to watch some African dancing and drumming. Can you copy any of the movements? Can you think of some of your own movements that would fit with the beat of the drums?
The First Music- a traditional African folk tale. Have a listen to this story. What music can you make?
Below are some instructions for making your very own lion art. Maybe you could make it into a mask?