St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Don't forget that I set a daily Kahoot quiz for you challenge yourself with. You'll find the PIN code on my blog as well as the winners of the previous game! See who can get the top spot. It's usually Isaac and Josh up there. Let's get a few more challengers!
The Wednesday Word
Mrs Armstrong Boyle has prepared the Wednesday Word for you this morning. Follow the link and send some quiet time with your family.
L.O. To explore story settings
So, you should now have your characters all sorted, but where will your story take place? Work through the sheet below to explore and think about where your story may take place. There is also some work on adjectives, as these are really important words to help the reader to understand what you are seeing in your mind.
L.O. To read co-ordinates
Follow the link to the loom lesson video to learn about a different way to read and write co-ordinates. The sheet that you need is underneath.
There is also a battleships game that you can play. If you have real battleships at home, see if you can get someone to play with you!
L.O. To create a piece of artwork to reflect an aspect of religion.
Each year, at school, we take part in a competition called Spirited Arts, where you can be as creative as you can to show something that you think about religion. It can be a poem, a model, a painting, dance, drama, scupture or drawing. There are 5 different themes that you can chose from. The website is below where you can chose the theme that interests you the most.
There is also a video which explains the tasks and shows you some good examples from previous years. The video is quite long! If you watch the first 5 minutes, then you will hear the introduction and see the themes. If you want to watch the rest to get more information or see examples, then feel free!