St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning!
Here are the learning activities for today!
Please also practise the dance and song posted yesterday, if you are learning remotely.
Spellings - Spelling Bees
Spellings - Year 5
LO: To create adjectives using the suffix 'al'
Spellings - Year 6
LO: To spell synonyms and antonyms for 'walked' and 'run'
Maths - Alternative for Mrs Charmer's Group
LO: To find all the numbers that could round to a multiple of 10
Maths - Year 5
LO: To convert kilograms and kilometres
Maths - Year 6
LO: To understand ratio and fractions
LO: To show what you have learned this year and create a quiz