Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning to you all!


Thank you so much for sharing your work with Mrs Davies and I, we love to see what you have been doing. Enea and Olivia have been learning about the 5 essential things we need to survive. Can you remember them? Here is their super work. smiley

Enea's Science Work

Olivia's Science Work

Today you have phonics, reading, handwriting, maths, music and PSHE learning. It's going to be another busy day! Don't forget to do some exercise too! 

Speed Sounds Lesson

For those learning Set 2 sounds, your sound today is 'ou'. Please watch the following videos with Rosie:


  • Set 2 Speed Sounds
  • Set 2 Spellings
  • Hold a Sentence 1


For those learning Set 3 sounds, your sound today is 'ow'. Please watch the following videos with Rosie:


  • Set 3 Speed Sounds
  • Set 3 Spellings
  • Reading Longer Words ('oo' sound)
  • Hold a Sentence 2


This is your second read of your book today, either 'Baboons' or 'On Your Bike'. As this is the second time you have read this your reading should be becoming more fluent. So you know what fluent reading of the book sounds like it would be a good idea for a grown up or older child to read the book to you before reading it again yourself. Remember you can read with a partner and take it in turns to read a page each. 

Read, Write Inc. Books

We love your child to read as often as possible so we would encourage you to read some of the other books on the Oxford Owl website along with books you already have at home. 


Today I would like you to continue to practise the letters from the 'Curly Caterpillar' handwriting family. Please use the sheets for 'o, q, e, s, f'. Why do you think they are called the 'Curly Caterpillar' family?

Curly Caterpillar Handwriting Family


Year 1

Today you carry on thinking about using number bonds to add one. Watch the video and then complete the rest of the worksheet which you started yesterday. If you completed the worksheet it is always good to keep recalling all the number bonds to 10. I have added some extra maths resources which you may enjoy doing and also some maths games!


Spring1.2.4 - Add ones using number bonds

This is "Spring1.2.4 - Add ones using number bonds" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Year 2 

Today your maths lesson us about using arrays. Watch the video and then complete the worksheet. 



Spr2.2.1 - Using arrays

This is "Spr2.2.1 - Using arrays" by White Rose Maths on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

This afternoon you have a music lesson and some PSHE work to complete. 



I'm hoping that you have all received a username and password via email for Yumu. Yumu is linked to our Charanga music scheme which we use in school. Yumu makes it possible you to access these wonderful music lessons at home each week. Today I would like you to complete lesson 1 of our unit of work called 'Zootime'. I hope you enjoy it! 

PSHE and Citizenship

Our lesson today is called 'Shining Stars'. I would like you to think about what your 'star' qualities are and what qualities you would like to develop. Share the PowerPoint and discuss the questions. 

Use the resource to write your star qualities on. It may be nice to cut this out and then decorate it however you wish. Display the following page from the PowerPoint to help you think about the different qualities. 

Star resource

Story time 

Our story today is called ‘The Ugly Five’. It’s a story set in Africa about some animals which you may not have seen before! Use the link and find ‘Galileo Class’ to watch and listen to the story. 
