Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Good morning everyone! I hope you are enjoying your week so far. smiley

I can see from the emails how hard you are all working and so a HUGE thank you to you all for doing your very best. I made this video to impress Mrs Rogers. I loved your science lesson videos Mrs Rogers, so  here I am doing the science activity. Do you agree with my choices children?  🤔


Science Activity part 1

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Science Activity part 2

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The Wednesday Word...


 Whilst I finish my packing for my holiday in 7 months time laugh I will send you straight over to Mrs Armstrong-Boyle who is ready to celebrate the Wednesday Word. I will join in too, don't worry!

Our Learning Today

  • English - grammar focus on full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. When should we use them? 
  • Lila and the Secret of Rain - thinking about the affect the lack of water might have on the village. 
  • Speed Sounds with Rosie
  • Final read of your book, 'Baboons' or 'On your Bike' and question time!smiley
  • Maths
  • Our afternoon activity - have some card, paper or better still  ... paper plates ready to create some African inspired jewellery!



Our grammar focus today - when to use full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.


 Please follow the link below to our Espresso/ Discovery Education page and watch the teaching video...

To login our details are; 

Enter username;  student6922 and password;  pauls321


Then if you can see ‘Activity 1’ and ‘Activity 2’ underneath the video box have a go at these too. Remember that a command can end in an exclamation mark too. It’s like a bossy sentence! 


Year 1's - This is a good introduction to recognising the different punctuation we see at the end of our sentences. 


Year 2's Hopefully I will start to see some exclamation marks  appearing in  your work. Have them in your 'writing tool kit' ready to use! smiley


Before I move on to 'Lila and the Secret of Rain' I thought you might like to see what kind of house Lila would be living in!

A recap on the story so far...

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Lila and the Secret of Rain - Questions to think about today...

Your short written task today...

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What is a drought?

Some answers...

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Today it's your final read of your non-fiction book; 'Baboons' or 'On Your Bike'. Your challenge is to read the book fluently like a storyteller and then answer the questions at the back of the book. As you have read the book three times you should have a very good understanding of what you have read. I wonder what our new book will be next week ...

Speed sounds with Rosie


Don't forget to join Rosie for our daily Read, Write, Inc phonics session anytime from 9.30am. Follow the link below.

Today I think we will all do great work with the set 3 sound ai and longer words for year 2 or those who fancy a challenge on 'ar'. 

Our maths learning today..


Year 1 

 Today we are continuing with our work on number bonds; today finding and making number bonds to 20. 


Give your brains a warm up with the 'Hit the Button' game you practiced yesterday. How quickly can you recognise number bonds to 10?


Your teaching video for today... Find and make number bonds

This is "Spring1.2.5 - Find and make number bonds"

Your worksheet for today; Find and make number bonds. These get trickier later on, so do as much as you can.

To finish off with another challenge, log back onto top marks but this time try the 'hit the button' number bonds up to 20. Good luck!smiley

Year 2 Maths


 Warm your brains up this morning with our 'Topmarks - Hit the Button' game. Start off with doubles to 10.



Today you revise and apply your knowledge of doubles to answer the questions and problem solve...

Year 2 - Make doubles

Your teaching video for today...

Your worksheet for today

Finish off today's learning by challenging yourself to complete the 'Hit the Button' game to 'Doubles of 20...' Good luck!yes

Our afternoon activity -Art



Following on from our study of some African art patterns  and colours last week, look what Xavier and his parents shared with us. Xavier’s dad is from Nigeria in Africa and these are some of their family art pieces. Look at the colours, patterns, designs and links to African animals. 

Wow! Aren't these amazing to look at?smiley From the colours of the African landscape, to the woman carrying her child, to the animals and the jewellery we can see being worn, these are fabulous pictures. The final picture highlights the African love of music and dance. heartI slipped Xavier's own art work in from last week; did you spot it? It is wonderful Xavier. 

Thank you so much Xavier and family for sharing these. 

My introduction - I’m feeling a little tired by the time I recorded this. I think you can tell! 😴

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African jewellery art powerpoint

Maasai tribe powerpoint

Maasai jumping contest

Maasai warriors performing a jumping contest in ewangan village maasai mara

Jewellery ideas you might like to use

Make an African necklace out of a paper plate...

Enjoy making your jewellery. I can’t wait to see you wearing it. Email your photo to our email address;

or pop it onto the blog. Feel free to do a dance too! 🤗🙌
