St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Head on over to Joe Wick's YouTube page for some daily exercise, or make your own fitness video to feature here one morning.
Year 5 / Year 6: LO: To give your opinion and summarise information
If you are able to use a computer or device for this lesson, follow the link for a Percy Jackson inspired lesson, read by Stephen Fry. There are two videos with a few questions to think about or discuss, then three activities where you read the texts and complete the activities.
LO: Consider the importance of fluency and expression when reading
In this session, we are going to consider the importance of fluency and expression when we read. Begin by reading Miroslav Holub’ s poem The Door (in the yellow boxes of the document).
Now, listen to these two contrasting performances and decide which reading you prefer and down your ideas.
Now answer the questions (a,b,c,d,e) that are on the document.
For an extra challenge this week, practise a performance of this poem - could you use props, expression, actions...can you video yourself performing it?
Year 5/6 LO: To add and subtract fractions
Watch the video as you have a go at questions 1,2 and 3.
There are some extra-tricky challenges on questions 4,5,6,7 for those of you who can easily answer the first 3 questions correctly, without any help.
Mark your work.
Year 6 LO: To multiply by 10,100,1000
Use the video to help you complete questions 1,2 and 3. You can use pasta, Lego or something else to count with, instead of place-value counters. You could even draw your place value grid on big paper or outside on the floor, if you are allowed.
If you complete the first 3 questions correctly, easily and without any help, try some of the challenges in questions 4,5,6,7 or 8.
Mark your work.
Here is a useful link, also saved in 'Daily Routines and More', which I wanted to draw your attention to. BBC Dance Mat is a touch-typing programme used in schools and is a fun way to develop typing skills. With a greater reliance on technology for work, learning and socialising, improving our typing skills is becoming more important.
Music LO: To sing with expression
Here is another BBC Bitesize lesson encouraging you to use melody and pitch. Have fun!