St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Friday Morning Routines!
Get someone to test you on your spellings and complete a 192 challenge. Don't forget to make sure your reading journal is filled in too! If you could send me your scores before lunchtime, that would be very helpful, so I can get the certificates sorted out this afternoon. Thank-you!
L.O. To watch an orchestra playing and to recognise different instruments.
Last week, you had to guess the animals that Saint-Saens was writing music about in his music, The Carnival of the Animals. This week, you can listen again to a different version, but watch the video as you are listening and watch the orchestra playing. If you like, you could write down all the different instruments that you see playing different parts.
L.O. To create an animal themed bookmark
Have a go at creating an animal themed bookmark by watching this clip of Ricky the Art Ninja. If you don't have coloured paper or envelopes, you could paint or colour white paper in yourself. Don't forget to share your creations!