It's World Book Day today (in case you hadn't noticed) so the timetable for the day is a little different. All Zoom links are on the blog.
There is a maths lesson at the bottom of the page, as it would be nice to finish the units before we return to school, but this can be done anytime before Monday.
09:30am - Whole School Zoom
Show off your costumes and take part in a family quiz - see the blog for details
10:30am - World Book Day LIVE – Bringing Reading to Life
Join authors Joseph Coelho & Fiona Lumbers, Tom Fletcher and Lydia Monks and special guest Rob Biddulph, sharing their stories and how words and pictures bring stories to life. Hosted by Nigel Clarke, TV presenter.
Please note: if the live author event 'runs over' these Zoom times will be delayed.
11:00am - Y5 Zoom Book quiz - see the blog for details
11:30am - Y6 Zoom Book quiz - see the blog for details
World Book Day Activity 4
Recommending Reads
I would like everyone to choose a book that you have read, that you would recommend to other people. Write your recommendation on the Padlet.
Please make sure you include:
- The author
- The title
- What the book is about (with no spoilers)
- Who you think would enjoy this book
World Book Day Activity 5
Author Academy
- Choose one of the authors speaking about their £1 books, and watch their YouTube Video.
- Complete the 'Author Academy notes' page (you can write these in your books or type your responses, if you don't have a printer) while you watch the video.
- If your chosen author sets you a challenge, why not give it a go!
Football Stories - Alex Bellos and Ben Lyttleton
Alex Bellos and Ben Lyttleton, the authors of Football School, talk about how their fantastic stories also help us learn about the world. The book is all about inspirational stories of achievement – both on and off the pitch! Hear some of their best football stories – one of which inspires a mysterious writing challenge...
Creating fun and interactive books - Tom Fletcher
Watch and learn with Tom Fletcher as he shares how he was inspired to create books that are fun and interactive, and how he brings his stories to life! Tom challenges you to think about how your reader can be involved in your stories – and to create your very own What’s In Your Book? series character.
Be an Earth Warrior - Jess French
Learn all about how to be an earth warrior! Jess French, author of £1 book Protect the Planet, shares tips on easy everyday changes so that you too can can help protect the planet. Listen to why ‘kindness is key’ and how you can make a real difference with simple solutions!
Writing an adventure - Katherine Rundell
If you were to go on an exciting and wild adventure, where would you go? Maybe your place is made up, or maybe it’s a real location, like the rooftops of Paris! Hear from Katherine Rundell how taking inspiration from real life exciting incidents can help you find adventure hidden in all sorts of unexpected places.
Creating Characters - Derek Landy
Derek Landy explains how he learned to create realistic, three-dimensional characters, inspired by his Skulduggery Pleasant series. From resisting the temptation to create a character who we aspire to be, Derek shares how you can create a truly believable cast with emotional depth – and also how to keep a little piece of yourself in them.
Maths Year 5
LO: To multiply 4 digits by 2 digits
- Watch the video, to remind yourself how to multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digits.
- Choose your difficulty and answer the questions.
- Mark your answers.
- Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so.
Maths Year 6
LO: To find the volume of a cuboid
- Watch the video, stopping when asked, to answer questions.
- Answer the questions on the sheet, when asked to do so.
- Use the answer sheet to mark your work.
- Have a go at the True or False to see if you can apply your knowledge.
- Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so.