St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good Morning! Thank you for sending pictures of your work yesterday it really brightened my day to see how so many of you were getting on!
Why not start today with an awakening stretch. Below is the link to cosmic kids which we often use to start our day in school. Choose an episode and enjoy!
Pirate Challenge!
I have a new pirate challenge for you today. There is an information sheet with today's challenge below and a power point with some pirate information. I look forward to seeing your completed pirate challenges!
Today's maths activity is below.
Understanding the World - Intrepid Explorers.
Have a look at the presentation to remind your child all about Christopher Columbus. Today we will be finding out about the journey Columbus made in 1492, have a think about how this journey is different to journeys today. You will find in your new home learning pack an information sheet about comparing sea journeys now and in the past and worksheet 2D to compare the journeys.