St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning acorns!
If you haven't checked out the blog and left a comment yet, head on over there now. There is a Kahoot set for today and the link and PIN are on my morning message.
Wednesday Word
Let's start our day with Wednesday Word from Mrs Armstrong-Boyle. Click on the link below.
LO: To calculate the area of rectangles
Today Year 5 are calculating the area of rectangles and Year 6 are joining us for an area recap session. I have also posted some alternative activities to support those who need it.
Year 5
LO: To be familiar with the work of Charles Dickens
Below are some links to some of Dickens' most well-known stories. Choose a video to watch (watch them all if you wish) and then choose one of the activities.
Activity 1: Write a summary of one (or more if you wish) of the stories in exactly 100 words.
Activity 2: Create a comic-strip, briefly retelling the story. (There are some sheets below to help you if you want to, but they aren't essential)
This Afternoon
If you chose the 'big comic strip' resource, you may need to finish that this afternoon, and come back to these art and music lessons later in the week.
LO: To create a geometric repeating pattern
Use the PowerPoint to find out about Islamic Geometric patterns. Use the instructions on the PowerPoint and the instructions on the sheet, to create your own pattern. You could draw around something circular if you don't have a compass. I have also put some templates on to help you if you get stuck.
LO: To explore changes in metre
I thought I'd swap music and computing around this week as today was looking quite full, so here is a shorter music lesson to finish the day.
In this lesson, you will warm-up by playing a game to the tune of 'My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean'. Then, we will move to music in different metres, review rhythm notation and understand the purpose of bar lines. Are you up for the challenge of a body percussion piece where the metre changes?