Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 10th February

Good morning! 

Don't forget to check the blog for details of the Zoom sessions today.

9.30am -Year 5 maths drop in – column subtraction

10am - Year 6 maths drop in – column subtraction

1:30pm - Small Group Reading - see blog for group details

2pm - Small Group Reading -  see blog for group details

2:30pm – Small Group Reading - see blog for group details


Let's start the day with our Wonderful Wednesday Word.


LO: To read timetables

Here is the last lesson of our statistics unit of work.  You know what to do... wink

(Scroll down for an alternative outcome)

Lesson Teaching Video - Timetables

Alternative Activity - Maths

LO: To be able to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes

  • Telling the time is one of those skills that can be quite tricky to master. 
  • As an alternative to the 'Timetables' lesson, here is a link to a series of 10 short lesson videos, to teach you all about how to tell the time. 
  • Do as many as you wish today, but come back to them during half term and finish the rest off, to be able achieve the learning outcome. 
  • I will be doing a series of 'telling the time' Zoom sessions after the half term holiday. 
  • Good luck! laugh


LO: To retrieve and infer information from a text

  1. Make sure you have already listened to Chapter 1 to 5 of the class book.
  2. Choose your difficulty and open the document.
  3. Look at the pictures of the characters that have appeared in the novel so far. Can you name the characters? 
  4. Were there any literal clues that the text told you (e.g. colour of hair)?
  5. Were there any inference clues that the text told you, where the writer is showing you and not telling you (e.g. expression, clues from the job they do)?
  6. Complete the comparison grid attached to the pictures, to fill in with facts about the characters from the story.

I have attached two additional mini activities for you do do if you wish.


There is an alternative English lesson further down for those that need it. :)

Additional Cogheart Activities

Just some little extras I found, if you wish to complete them. :)

Alternative English Lesson

The Old Toy Room

  1. Read the story - I have saved it as a PDF here but I do have an e-book which I can email to you if you want to have a go with that.
  2. If you can, print the sequencing cards and cut them out.  Muddle them up.  Can you put them back in the right order and tell the story using them?  You could write sentences for each card to practise your sentence writing.
  3. Can you answer the questions about the story?
  4. Mark your work.
Class Novel

Chapter 6


LO: To explore paper crafts

I've posted two art lesson videos today, which I thought would be an interesting introduction to next term's art topic: Making Paper.  I understand that for some of you these lessons might need adapting due to the resources you might not have at home, however, I have also posted a DT lesson, which will give a clue about next term's mini DT unit.  I advise doing one today and the other two during half term if you're able to!

Design Technology

LO: To celebrate culture and seasonality
