St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Moving on to Secondary School
If you're not at the end of Year 6 as you read this, the thought of moving to secondary school might seem a bit scary. This is normal and to be expected.
If you are at the end of Year 6 then YOU ARE READY.
We do lots of activities in Years 5 and 6 to prepare you for the changes to come and by the time you reach the last week of Year 6, you may feel sad to leave us and you might be a bit nervous, but you will be prepared for the exciting journey you have ahead of you.
Below is our Year 6 Transition Booklet. This is introduced at school and you are encouraged to find out as much as you can from the links and information on these pages, to help you complete it. By completing the activities in the booklet, you will be finding out lots of facts and important information so that you feel you have more control over the changes which will be happening over the next few months.
Below are pages linked to the secondary schools and they contain LOADS of information about what your next school is like. Use these to help you complete your booklet.
What do we do for transition?