St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning! I hope you had a good weekend and managed some time in the snow. If you send in any snow photos, I'll pop them on the class page. If you check the subject folders on the class page, you'll notice that some of the work you have been sending us is on there, so take a look each day and see what other people have been doing.
If you haven't logged on the blog yet, do that now and tell me something you did over the weekend under my daily message for Dojo points!
Let's start the week with the links to the PE videos you could follow from Joe Wicks and PAS.
Maths Homework - 4-Operations and Number Club
Here are the answers to Week 15's homework.
Please mark your work and then record your score on the Padlet. Remember to write your name.
Posts will not be approved and will be deleted after I have recorded the score. :)
Here are the questions for this week's 4-Operations and Number Club - Week 16
Scores will be collected next Monday
Spelling Tests - Week 3
Use the 'big lists' on the spellings pages to help you test and mark your spelling words from list 3. Use the Padlet to record the scores.
LO: To calculate the area of irregular shapes
Today, both Year 5 and Year 6 are learning about how to calculate the area of irregular shapes. An irregular shape is a shape that does not have sides or angles of equal sizes and may even have curved edges. Although this is the last lesson in this block of work, area and perimeter will continue for Year 6 later on in the year.
Today we will be beginning our new topic 'Inspirational People.' Our starting point is to think about Jesus and his immense love for each one of us. He is the most inspirational person the world has ever known. The Beatitudes describe people who are greatly blessed – so we will learn about some people who made the choice to live their lives for Jesus and, with his help to love others. These people have come from Italy, Belgium, Sudan, Germany, Mexico, Spain and Croatia. You will have the opportunity to think of many more wonderful people you know or have heard about.
We will begin our topic by looking at what we mean by 'inspirational' and through an exploration of people we have studied in school, look at that it means to be 'inspirational.'
I would like you to complete today's lesson; listen out for what I would like you to email or blog! After filming today's lesson, I realised it was quite a long one so you do not have to complete all of the activities today- save some of it for Friday and I will make Friday's lesson shorter.
The resources you will need for one of the lesson activities can be found below.
LO: To use the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person of the verb 'estar' to say what someone is like at the moment
Estar = The verb to describe state or mood or a location = to be
Estoy = 1st person of the verb = I am
Estás = 2nd person of the verb = You are
Está = 3rd person of the verb = They are
Click on the video and follow the instructions carefully.
You will recap how to pronounce 'e' and then revise the letters a,e,o in a listening and writing activity. Don't forget that you can stop the video and replay anything you need to hear again.
You will then look at some of the vocabulary needed for the lesson and use that language in listening, speaking, reading and writing activities.