Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 20th June

Monday 20th June 2022                         20.06.22


8.45: Reading quietly - monitors set up Hall

9.00: Registers

9.05: Celebration Assembly

9.30: Maths - Y6 Climate graphs and fact files /  Y5 Complements to 1

10.30: Break

10.45: PSHE Online Safety

11.45: Big Tidy of the classroom, library, drawer areas and cloak room. (visitors possibly after school) / 192 Times Tables

12.15: Lunch

13.15: Spanish

14.20: PE

15.10: Bags ready etc. 

15.15: Home

Year 5 Maths

LO: Complements to 1

  1. Use the video or lesson slides to work through the lesson, completing activities when asked.
  2. Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
  3. Mark your work.
  4. Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
  5. Have a go at the True or False question.
  6. Have a go at the games below. You will need to select the options which lead you to adding decimals.

Y5 Lesson Video - Complements to 1

Year 6 Maths

LO: To create climate graphs and a fact file

  1. Make sure you have finished your climate graph from last week.
  2. Make sure your work is glued neatly in your books with dates and titles.
  3. You could look back at last week's resources to remind yourselves what you did.
  4. If you have finished this, or were away for this lesson, do the activity below. This will need printing.

Websites for researching facts for the fact file


LO: To judge whether something online is safe for me

  1. Pass around Jigsaw Jem and name as many emojis/emoticons as you can.
  2. Give out sheets (one each) and glue in PSHE books. 
  3. Give out calculators (one between two).
  4. Using calculators, can you solve these questions? Write your answers on your sheets.

    571 webpages are created globally every minute.

    • How many webpages are made per hour? 

    • How many per day? 

    • How many in an average month (30 days)? 

    • How many in a year (365 days)? 

  5. You can find the answers below.
  6. Read all of the information on the sheet.
  7. Read scenarios and children get into groups.
  8. Give out scenarios from printed sheets.
  9. Groups choose a scenario from the printout, cut it out and glue it on the sheet. (may need to be glued along the top edge as a flap)
  10. In a small group, act out a short scene of the scenario and what the characters need to do to get help. Also show what the teacher (or other character they could tell) could do to help them.