Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Home Learning


Hello everybody it was lovely seeing you all yesterday on our zoom chat. I will look forward to seeing you today for our snow themed quiz at 11.30am!



Year 2

I have set you a MyMaths lesson on ‘sums crossing over 10’ this is a review lesson of objectives we covered last term so it will be really good to revisit.

Year 1

I have set you a MyMaths lesson on ‘counting forwards to 20’.


Maths Dice Game- Make the Total!

This game requires 2 players so get your siblings involved! Each player takes it in turns to throw a dice and needs to record what number they throw. Each time you throw you need to add your number to the previous number thrown. The first one to 20 wins. If you throw a 1 you go right back to 0!


 You can use 2 die and you can try making the total 100 instead!



Quick grammar lesson which will involve children playing the roll and read common misconception words for both Year 1 and Year 2. Children could write these down and you could his them around the house and when they find them they could read them and cross them off a list.


Afternoon activities

Can you make a winter silhouette picture using black paper (you could colour or paint paper black if you do not have any black paper) See the example attached.


Get moving! Use this link to access lots of different dances and songs.



If you have any questions or would like to share your learning with me please email





Hello everybody even though I’m very sad I am not teaching you again today I hope you are enjoying the snow with your family and keeping safe.




Year 2

I have created a toy shop for you to choose and buy some toys. I would like the children to select 2 different items and add them together recording the calculation to match. They can choose to select as many different combinations of toys as they like and record the calculations. Challenge- Can you choose three items from the toy shop and add them together?


Year 1

Again I would like children to the think about the different ways they can make 10. I would like children to roll a dice three times and see if they can make ten. I would like them to write the matching calculation each time they make ten

The children can choose one calculation and write or draw a number story to match it. For example



Numbers story

Mrs luff found 4 sweets in the jar, she found 5 sweets in the tin and 1 sweet in her pocket how many sweets did she have altogether?



The children read the story ‘One Snowy Night’ with Mrs Rogers on Monday and did some writing about it on Tuesday. Here is a link to the story for you to watch it

Year 2

I would like you to complete the comprehension sheet about the story. Don’t worry if you can’t print it off just read the questions online and answer them on some paper.

Year 1

 I would like you to draw a picture of what happens at the end of ‘One Snowy Night’ and label all the characters.


Afternoon activities

Can you think of a new goal you would like to set yourself? You could draw it and label it.

If you bring it back into school when we return we can add it to our jar of New Year Pledges.


Get moving with your Teddy and Joe Wicks


If you have any questions or would like to share your learning with me please email

Afternoon activities

Can you create your own snow sculpture? 

Go on a winter walk can you complete the checklist?

Look out of your window can you create a picture of what you can see?


Snow Day

I would like both Year 1 and Year 2 to create their own 'Snow Day' acrostic poem. All of the children are familiar with what an acrostic poem is as we have done one previously for Christmas. I would like Year 1 children to think of one word which describes their snow day for the beginning of each letter. For Year 2 I would like them to write a line. Remember to use describing words (adjectives) powerful verbs and adverbs if you can!

Feel free to use the uploaded template or create your own!

 08/01/25- Snow Day


Year 2

In Year 2 the childrenhave just begun learning all about money in the past two days they have been recognising different coins and notes. For today's task I would like them to count money pence and notes. It would be really helpful if children could see any coins or notes you may have in your wallets or purses you could set them the challenge of calculating how much you have? Or alternatively they could empty their money boxes or piggy banks! They can write a caculation to match the amount or draw the coins themselves. There is also a sheet I am hoping to upload which they can complete too.

Year 1

Year 1 have been exploring numbers from ten to twenty the past couple of days. For today's task I would like them to explore all the ways they can make ten. They could use household objects such as cutlery, lego bricks, coloured pencils to show how they could make ten. For example i have 3 spoons, 5 forks and 2 knives I have made 10. An extra challenge for this task would be for children to write the matching caculation for this ie 3+5+2=10.


