St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
You might like to add into your day today an awakening stretch session with cosmic kids yoga, there are lots of different themes to choose. The link is below.
Phonics and reading
10am – watch live Set 2 Speed Sounds lesson and Set 2 Spellings.
10.30am - watch live Set 3 Speed Sounds lesson and Set 3 Spellings.
The maths lesson today focuses on finding equal groups by sharing. Please complete lesson 3 of the PowerPoint presentation. The activity to follow is practical. Look at the sheet to download to show you how to do this. You will need to use resources you have around the home which can be used as counters (buttons, pencils, pasta, sweets etc). Share the amount of objects (amount should be able to be shared equally into groups of 2,5 or 10). Ask the following questions;
How can you share equally?
How many altogether?
How many are sharing between?
How many in each group?
How can we check we have shared equally?
Can I write a sentence to describe the groups?
Use the following stem sentences to record findings;
There are ____ altogether.
There are ____ groups in total.
There are ____ in each group.
There is also an activity which you can complete called 'What number am I?'.
Once again if you would like to choose any of our afternoon activities you can find the link below.