Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Tuesday 11th January 2022

Good morning!

I hope you and your family are well.  Here is today's learning.

Spellings for Spring 1 2022

  • Here are the spelling lists for this half term and a copy of the spelling strategies.
  • I am giving these out to the class today.
  • Use your spelling journal to practise all 20 words each day this week.

Year 5 Spellings Week 1

LO: To create nouns (naming words) using the suffix '-ity'. 

  1. Use the PowerPoint to learn about this week's spelling outcome.
  2. Use the documents to help with your handwriting and your understanding of the spelling words. 
  3. It is possible to do these activities without printing as long as you can view them on screen and write on paper.


LO: To prove your answers with evidence from the text

Part A

  1. Look at the image from the 'mystery' text.
  2. Look carefully at the picture. What can you see?
  3. What clues can you find in the picture which could help you work out what story it is from?
  4. How does the image make you feel?
  5. Write down your responses to the questions above.

Image from Mystery Text

Part B

  1. Read the text extract below.

Text extract

Part C

  1.  Read these questions (but don't answer them yet).
  • When does this story happen?
  • Where does this story happen?
  • Who is the story about?
  • What do we know about this story?
  • What might happen in this story?



They may seem like simple questions, but for each answer we give, we need to say why we think this…how do we know? What evidence do we have?


This is what we need to do...

  1. Read the text.
  2. Read the first question.
  3. Scan the text to find the answer to the question and then highlight it in the text.
  4. Use what you have highlighted to write your answer. Make sure you use words from the text in your answer.  When we use words from the text in our answers, this is called 'referencing the text'.  Sometimes we call this 'proving it'. 



Now, have a go at answering the questions, writing your answers using words from the text to 'prove it'. 



What questions do you have about the text?




LO: To demonstrate what you have learned so far

  • This week we are doing three maths test papers, so there aren't the usual maths lessons.
  • We did the Arithmetic test yesterday (Monday).
  • Year 5 have their final forest school session today (Tuesday morning) so they don't have maths.
  • We are doing two more maths tests on Wednesday and Thursday.


Today at lunchtime,  will drop off at your house the three maths test papers and any resources you need to do the tests. 


Please do the arithmetic test this afternoon.


Rules for doing the arithmetic test - please read this first

  1. You will need a sharp pencil AND a pen.
  2. You have 30 minutes to do as many questions as you can using your pencil. 
  3. After 30 minutes, change to your pen, and then continue to work through the test if you need to.  (This helps me to know how many questions you can answer under timed conditions but also gives you a chance to show me what you know)
  4. Read the questions twice before you answer the question.
  5. If you get stuck, miss out the question and move on to the next one.
  6. You can go back and have another go at questions you missed.
  7. The questions CAN be read to you.  
  8. Mathematical words can be read to you but not explained.
  9. Just do your best! 




LO: To research and present information about the desert biome

  1. Use the resources to find out all about the desert biome.
  2. Use the research sheet to help you collect ideas.
  3. Make a PowerPoint presentation or poster about deserts.
  4. Make sure you include the information you collected on the research sheet.


LO: To know my learning strengths and set challenging but realistic goals for myself

  1. This sheet can be printed and brought in to glue in your book, or completed on paper reading from the screen.
  2. We played a game in class to explore which of the strengths we felt we had.
  3. Use coloured pencil to shade the strengths you feel you have.
  4. Add any of your other strengths to the 'other' cards.
  5. What are some goals you have in life?  They can be from school or home. Write them in the clouds.
  6. Pick two 'realistic' goals and write them on the shields.
  7. Decide on the steps you need to take to achieve them.