St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning lovely!
Here are the activities we are doing at school today...more or less...
Send messages on the blog and upload what you do, so that we can see your amazing work. Use the Oak email address to keep in touch and keep an eye out on the blog for important messages.
Let's start with 4 -operations and spelling tests.
LO: To calculate fractions of amounts
There are two difficulties of activity today, so try the first one and then have a go at the other one later on.
1) Watch the video and follow the instructions;
2) Complete the questions;
3) Mark your work;
4) Have a go at solving the True or False.
Here is the video for the first lesson.
Here are the resources for the extension lesson - do this when you have some time later on
RE / Art
LO: To consider and communicate what 'prayer' means to you.
Think back to what we have been doing in RE over the last few lessons, about the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. You had to create a 'stained glass style' narrative mixed media piece.
Today, I would like you to create another 'stained glass style' narrative piece, but with the theme of 'prayer'. Everything you include should have a reason for being there and you will need to be able to explain the symbolism and meaning behind each image. Use any media you wish and upload a photo on the blog when you've finished.
LO: To describe using adjectives of size and colour and name body parts
P.E. - Dance
LO: To make and mix the elements of dance
There are three short videos to work through here; if you do all three, you'll have done the equivalent of today's PE lesson.