St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
This link provides lots of useful information of how you can help teach your child to read at home. The website provides some very helpful short videos.
In class the children will be reading Read, Write Inc. books. Year 1 children will be reading Pink level and Year 2 children will be reading Blue level books. In school we read the same book three times.
First read - focuses on blending the words
Second read - focuses on developing fluency
Third read - focuses on developing comprehension skills by answering the questions at the back of the book.
You can access some of these ebooks free by using the following link:
Here are a list of fun writing activities you could do to keep practising your writing skills:
Your child will be given a new list of spellings each week. Please continue with the next set of spellings using the list which can be downloaded. We would encourage your child to practise the spellings and once your child is confident with these spellings then they can use the words to write sentences.
Please continue to practise your handwriting when learning from home. Year 1 children should be using 'Get Ready' lines and Year 2 children may be ready to start joining the letters.