St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
We continue learning our sounds with our Read, Write Inc videos. Please do try and view them each day to keep up with the new sound each day.
Set 1 speed sounds lesson today's sound is o
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
Set 2 speed sound lesson today's sound is ir
Set 2 spellings
Have another read of the books we first looked at on Friday. Follow the links below for each book.
Why not choose a selection of letter and practise writing them in different colours
Remember to say the rhyme as you write them!
Here is your maths video and activity for today.
Please note that next Mondays maths activity (25th January) will be titled 'measuring ingredients'. The activity that is linked to this is to make your own playdough for which you will need flour, salt. cream of tartar and oil. It is absolutely fine if you would prefer to make something different, like cakes, as the purpose of the activity is to practise measuring ingredients.
Here is your maths video; Adding 1 using number bonds. Please note that it is only the first part of the worksheet that needs to be done today as tomorrow's lesson continues on this same worksheet. Please stop after question 4 today.
Afternoon Activities
All our topic activities are on the page following the link below. We hope you are enjoying learning about Kenya in our Jambo topic. There are lots of super activities you can choose in which order you complete them but don't forget to send us your work on Tapestry.