St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning lovely acorns and welcome to a brand new week.
Don't forget to rest if you are feeling unwell and to keep in touch with each other and your teachers on the school blog.
We can't wait to see you again when you return; have a lovely day!
Some reminders
Marking 4 -operations homework
'My Maths' Homework
Spelling Tests
LO: To understand how faith, hope, love and courage changed the lives of many.
Activity 1:
Write your own dream about 'justice' starting with Martin Luther King's words, 'I have a dream...'
Activity 2:
Explain how Martin Luther King's faith and courage changed the lives of many.
LO: To name parts of the head and face
LO: To understand the character strengths that can be developed by taking part in sports activities.
I would like you to make sure you have completed this activity from Friday
Pope John Paul II loved sport and often talked about how taking part in sports develops our character strengths. Here are some quotes by Pope John Paul II.
“Playing sport has become very important today, since it can encourage young people to develop important values such as loyalty, perseverance, friendship, sharing and solidarity.”
“Sport trains body and spirit for perseverance, effort, courage, balance, sacrifice, honesty, friendship and collaboration.”
If you have completed the above activity and you are feeling well enough, here are some activities to choose from.