St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Join the team at PAS for some fitness activities or Joe Wicks if you prefer! Remember it's so important to keep active!
Please take a photo of you taking part in either of these sessions or how you have kept active today! 2 dojos everyone who shares their photo on the blog or via email! Help inspire others to kept active.
Today we will be continuing to work on being able to answer our historical enquiry question: Why was the Islamic civilization (around 900AD) known as the Golden Age? After you have completed today's lesson remember to add any new vocabulary you have learned to the vocabulary sheet from last lesson.
I would like you to do the following:
As part of our PSHE this term we will be exploring a range of jobs and careers. I would like you to spend some time looking at the website below. It's so interesting. I have found out information about jobs i didn't know existed!
I would like you to choose a sheet below and conduct some research.
Each sheet will give you a job title to research using the Prospects Website. I would like you to tick or highlight the correct answers or if you do not have a printer just write the job title and the correct information on a piece of paper.
Oak Class Hit the Button! Times Tables Practise
It has been great to see how well you have all been doing in your 192 challenges. As you know, times tables are the building blocks to so much of maths so it is really important to keep practising them daily. Click on the link below and have a go at ‘Hit the Button.’ Start with a times table you are confident with and then build up to the sets you know you find the most challenging!
Oak Class Hit the Button Competition
I thought it would be fun if we all completed the ‘Hit the Button’ game for the four times table this week and then post our personal best on the class blog (the most you get correct in 1minute!) Next week, we will focus on another times table.
If this isn’t your thing, then have a competition with yourself! Record your best score today and set yourself a goal to beat it!
Or play ‘Beat the Parent,’ get someone at home to have a go and see if you can beat their score!
Let me know how you get on!