Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 1st February

Good morning.  I hope you all had a good weekend.  If you haven't read the daily blog message yet, please do so as there is some important information there.



This week is Children's Mental Health Week and the theme this year is 'Express Yourself'. Being able to express yourself is not about being the best at something or putting on a performance for others; it is about finding a way to show who you are and how you see the world.


Each day, there will be short activities posted which will support this and some lessons will have this theme as their main focus.  These sessions may also replace some of our usual routines.

Assembly - Express Yourself

Children's Mental Health Week

Live at 9am, but can be accessed any time after.

During the assembly, BAFTA Kids will also be launching their annual Young Presenter Competition.  More information is available on the BAFTA website.

Here are the answers to last week's Maths Homework. Add your score to the Padlet below.

There is no new 4-operations homework for this week, as instead I would like you to do the tasks on My Maths.

Spelling Tests - Week 4

  1. Use the audio files below to test yourself on your spellings.  Don't forget that you can pause the sound if you need more time to spell the word. If you are doing a different list, you will need to ask someone to test you.
  2. When you mark your words, make sure you are really careful.  
  3. Put your results on the Padlet below.


Spelling Bees Set 3 List 4.mp3

Spelling Bees Set 4 Week 4.mp3

Spelling Bees Set 5 Week 4.mp3

Spelling Bees Set 6 Week 4.mp3

Year 5 Spellings Week 4.mp3

Year 6 Spellings Week 4.mp3

Year 5 and 6 Statutory Words - Week 4


There are two main lessons to choose from today - one is suitable for those who can't use a printed copy, and one is for those who can.  Of course, you may do both lessons if you wish.  You will need a ruler and a sharp pencil. 


There is also a third alternative lesson with a simpler learning outcome, if you scroll down.


  1. Watch the video, stopping and starting when asked.
  2. Answer the questions when asked.
  3. Use the answer sheet to mark your work.
  4. Have a go at the True or False to see if you can apply your knowledge.
  5. Post a photo or your scores on the blog and if you don't want it approved, just say so


Non printer activity

LO: To read and interpret line graphs

Read and interpret line graphs

Printer activity

LO: To draw line graphs

Draw line graphs

Alternative Maths Activity

LO: To read and interpret pictograms

Here is a simpler learning outcome which could take up three lessons.  

1) Watch the video as a fun introduction

2) The document has 3 progressively difficult activity sheets, plus the answers at the end.


LO. To understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus and to reflect on what it means for you.

Mental Health Week Activities 

Below, you will find the first 4 activities for Mental Health Week.  You may do as many, or as few, as you wish, choosing whichever form of expression or self-care that appeals to you.

Express Yourself Activity 1 - Physical Activity

Express Yourself Activity 2 - Mindfulness

Express Yourself Activity 3 - Dance

Express Yourself Activity 4 - Languages


All Hallow's have produced an 'Introduction to Mandarin' lesson, which I thought would make an interesting change from Spanish for this week.  I have attached the worksheet that goes with the lesson, if you wish to complete it to send off to All Hallow's. 
