Judged OUTSTANDING for Early Years, Personal Development and Behaviour and Attitudes (Ofsted May 2024), ......'In the Reception class, children receive an excellent start to their education.'.....'Children are exceptionally well prepared for learning in Year 1.'.....'Pupils develop as mature individuals due to the exemplary provision that they receive to support their personal development.'.....'Pupils’ behaviour during lessons and around school is exemplary.'.....'Pupils are proud of their school mission statement. They aspire ‘not to have more but to be more’ in all that they do. Pupils are happy in school.'.....

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 29th April

Good morning everyone! All of our learning is on here today apart from our Maths lessons which are on our year group page. 


Our learning today is as follows;

  • Wednesday Word reflection
  • PE with Joe Wicks (or an alternative activity at some point in the day)
  • English - preparing ideas for a character description of 'Traction Man.'
  • Maths - on year group pages
  • Literacy linked art work on Traction Man

Have a wonderful day!

Our Wednesday Word 


I was going to share some of our wonderful cross designs and descriptions this morning, but I was on Wednesday Word duty and so will share our crosses tomorrow.smiley


If you follow the link below to our school video page you will find today's Wednesday word video. It had me juggling various electronic devices and has cheeky Lola the cat video bombing!!! I hope you enjoy it. surprise

Look for this page

English - preparing for our character description of Traction Man


 I hope you have found the 'Traction Man' story amusing. Today, read through with the video below one more time, but as you do, be thinking of words to describe his character.


We are going to respond to this under the headings of;

  • Appearance
  • Behaviour
  • Likes
  • Dislikes
  • Optional if you would like to add any other ideas you have, 'And another observation'...


Watch the clip, read along and then I am putting some photographs of different parts of the book below to inspire you...

Ooh; LOOK! I've photographed the whole book. This should help to study various parts of the story to help you.

Traction Man in Pictures

Prepare a double page spread in your book as I have done with Luca's and then write down words, phrases or words spoken by Traction Man that will help you to put these ideas in to a character description tomorrow. These do not need to be in sentences today; they are your ideas to help scaffold your sentences tomorrow. 


I also include some adjective help sheets from which you may find words to help you. These are also in your learning pack year 2's.

Year 1 adjectives help... year 2's feel free to use too

Year 2 adjectives and adverbs ending in 'ly' ideas. Year 1 feel free to look too.

Read, Write, Inc phonic sessions.


Remember that these run every day and so you can follow our usual link to watch today's sessions.

Afternoon creative literacy linked task.


 From your new pack find the 4 door little 'booklet' that looks like this...



Use the whole length of your page to firstly pencil draw your favourite picture of Traction Man in your favourite costume. Use the pictures of the book I have included above to help you to get his facial features correct, to choose the right colours when you come to painting him (use your watercolours or alternatives you may have at home; you can choose), and to include any additional background details you may like to add; such as his trusty friend Scrubbing Brush. He may be swimming so just turn your booklet around so it is horizontal. I include below an example of how to do this, BUT... do not copy these. My examples below are showing illustrations of Dougal the Deep Sea Diver, not Traction Man!!! We will do Dougal in a few week's time. These do give you an example of size and what I'm looking for. 


I will  be awarding more raffle tickets for great work so whether you save it to send to me later in the week or you would like to show me as you go along,  anything is great with me... I just LOVE to see what you have been doing and the fruits of your hard work!smiley


Don't forget my Wednesday word blog challenge. If you get chance, create a picture/ word message that you can post to everyone at St. Paul's. heart


Have a super day everyone. Sending you all a big hug or high five... you choose!
