Maths - Year 5
LO: To understand decimals to 2 decimal places
- Use the BBC Bitesize link to go to the page called 'What are Decimals?'
- Read through the page, watching the videos and playing the games.
- Use the video below to work through the lesson, stopping and starting when needed.
- Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
- Mark your work.
- Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
- Have a go at the True or False question.
- Try the online games (laptops from class or library)
- Do your My Maths tasks.
Maths - Year 5
LO: To understand decimals written as fractions
- Use the video and work through the lesson, stopping and starting when needed.
- Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
- Mark your work.
- Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
- Have a go at the True or False question.
- Try the online games (laptops from class or library)
- Do your My Maths tasks.
Maths - Year 6
LO: To understand metric measures
- Use the video and work through the lesson, stopping and starting when needed.
- Have a go at the questions on the sheet.
- Mark your work.
- Go back and try again, the ones you got wrong.
- Have a go at the True or False question.
- Try the online games.
- Do your My Maths tasks or complete related pages in your revision book.