St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Lila and the Secret of rain
This is our new story focus. Have a look at the video below of a reading of the story and look at the beautiful pictures in the story.
Understanding the World- Geography
Join Mrs Danton on her trip to Kenya. Explore the similarities and differences to life here in Poynton. Then either print off the fact sheet and complete it or you might like to draw your own fact sheet about Kenya. Remember to leave your initials on the loom video when you have viewed it.
Understanding the World - Science
We are continuing to find out about animals this week. Have a watch of my Loom video and then see if you can sort the different animals by what they like to eat. If you don't want to print the sheet you could draw the different animals or if you have some toy animals you could sort them into different groups and make labels for each group, 'carnivore, herbivore or omnivore'. Again remember to leave your initials on the Loom video when you watched it.
This week we are exploring and recording ideas from first hand experience. This means we are asking you to look closely at things within nature on your daily walk. Have a look at the powerpoint slide which gives you all the details of your drawing activity. We would love to see your flower drawings sent to us on Tapestry .
This week I have added a well known Kenyan song video. It's sung in Swahili, one of the languages of Kenya. Have a listen to the song, one of the first words in it is Jambo which means hello. Listen to it a few times and see if you can learn any of the other Swahili phrases. Can you put some actions to the song? We will have a go at singing this together on our zoom on Friday!
To keep active you might like to choose from some of the activities below. You might like to choose an activity from one of the challenges from Peak Active sports or maybe try some dance and movement from Oti...