Good morning! I hope you are all well today.
- If you are a YEAR 6, then please go to the school blog and find my post. There is a link on it, which I'd like you to click on.
- This is a safe link which will ask you which school you go to and which town your school is in.
- There will then be some questions asking you for your opinions about our lovely school, class, RE lessons and values.
- You only have until 11:30am TODAY before the link stops working.
- If you are too poorly, or miss the deadline, please don't worry; thank you to anyone who manages to complete it.
Here are the learning opportunities for today.
Year 5 Spellings
LO: To know what the term 'modal verbs' means and be able to spell them correctly
Year 6 Spellings
LO: To spell words ending in 'ably'
Maths for Mrs Charmer's group
LO: To recall the 3 times table
- Use the video to guide you through the lesson
- Open the worksheet at have a go at the questions. You can go back and watch the video as many times as you need to.
Years 5 and 6 Maths Lesson
LO: To understand factors.
- Use the video to guide you through the maths lesson, stopping and starting when asked.
- Complete the questions.
- Mark your work.
- Go back and try again, any you got wrong.
- Have a go at the True or False question to check your understanding.
Alternative English Lesson Activity for Mrs Charmer's group
- Ask someone to read chapter 4 aloud to you (see main lesson)
- Draw a picture to show what you remember form the chapter.
- Write a list of words that say how Michael was feeling during the chapter.
LO: To summarise events in a chapter
- Open the Chapter Activity Sheet and look up the meanings of each of the words. You can use a dictionary of the online dictionary below.
- Read Chapter 4 of our class novel Kensuke's Kingdom - look out for those words while you're reading.
- Make a list of the main events in the chapter. The first one is done for you. Try to only include the most important events.
- Write a prediction for chapter 5.
LO: To find out about the Amazon River
- Read the top two documents and then answer the questions from the slide, 'What do we know about the Amazon River?' using information from the fact sheets or from your own research.
- Now, if you can print, use the mapping activity and complete the questions on the sheet. You can use the maps provided to help to answer them.
- Mark your work using the answer sheet.
- If you can't print you could try drawing the map first.