St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
To book your child’s sessions in the Wrap Around Care Club, please complete the attached booking form and return to school or email to , as soon as your requirements are known.
For short notice bookings, please contact the main office by phoning 01625 877688 and either speak with the School Business Manager or leave a voicemail during school hours (8.55am to 3.15pm). Please phone the Wrap Around Care Club on 07729 521039 between 7.45am and 8.45am and 3.15pm and 5.45pm.
Priority will be given to children who have committed to regular fixed sessions for the school year. Other one off sessions may be available depending on the numbers booked for a particular session.
No refunds or credits will be given for sessions booked but not used unless a minimum of 48 hours notice is given by an adult named on the admission form e.g. to cancel a session booked for Wednesday after school, notification must be made by the previous Monday or full costs will be incurred.
Fees & Payment
Before School Session: Option 1: 7.45 a.m. – 8.45 a.m. £5.20
After School Session: Option 1: 3.15 p.m. – 4.15 p.m. £5.20
Option 2: 3.15 p.m. – 5.15 p.m. £10.40
Option 3: 3.15 p.m. – 5.45 p.m. £13.00
Our Club is committed to providing a fair and open admission system that offers a competitively priced and good value service.
We understand that the cost of registered childcare may seem expensive to a parent/carer. However, providing a high quality, safe and stimulating service for children is not cheap and to ensure the continued high standards and sustainability of the Wrap Around Care Club, it must ask that parents/carers respect its policy in respect of fees.
The level of fees is set by the Governing Body and reviewed in the light of the Club’s financial position, its future strategic plans and any other broader economic or social considerations deemed relevant.
Advanced bookings can be paid weekly/monthly, in advance. Short notice bookings without pre-payment will receive an invoice on the following Monday which must be paid in full by the following Friday.
Late payment may result in your child’s place at the Club being forfeited.
Unpaid fees are subject to a 10% surcharge each full week over.
Sibling discount - a discount of 10% will be given to the third child when two siblings are also attending the session.
If for any reason, parents/carers have difficulty in making a payment on time, they are strongly advised to arrange a meeting with the Headteacher, at the earliest possible opportunity, to avoid jeopardising their child’s place at the Club.