St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
This week we are starting lots of learning about the sea! There is also some Science work about plants. There are quite a few lessons to choose from so select a different one each day!
New learning packs will be available on Friday. As you don't have paper copies of this weeks work please print the resources or just do the best you can by recording in your Home Learning books.
In class we have learnt about the 7 continents. Can you remember the names of them all? Today your lesson is about learning the names of the oceans around the world. Use the presentation slides to learn about the oceans and then complete the worksheet. Year 1 children please complete 1A sheets and Year 2 children complete 1B sheets. If you do want additional challenge select the one you think is most suitable. The planning is also available to help you with this lesson.
This term your science unit of work is about plants. The first lesson is about finding out about what plants are and planting your own sunflower seed. You will receive your sunflower seed in your home learning pack on Friday but you can still learn about plants and complete the activity before planting the seed. Year 1 children please complete worksheet 1A and Year 2 children complete worksheet 1B or 1C. There are some other activities on the planning sheet you may enjoy doing too, such as looking for plants in the garden and identifying what they are, where they grown and what they are like.
We thought you would love to learn some songs about the sea this half term! Each week you will have a different lesson from the BBC Schools website from their lessons called 'Sun, Sea and Song'. This week start with episode one called 'The big ship sails on the ally-ally-oh'. As well as the short music lesson, which is a video, there's other resources such as a story and activities linked to the lesson which you may enjoy.
This half term we are focusing on online safety. You should have received a letter from Mrs Armstrong-Boyle with information regarding this learning. Each week we will be encouraging you to complete a different lesson. The first lesson involves watching a video called 'Jessie and Friends' (Episode 2) followed by drawing a picture. The information sheet, which includes the video link, can be downloaded below.
As we have such lovely weather at the minute we thought you may enjoy some art work which involves being outside some of the time! We are going to be learning about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy and doing some of our art work using natural materials. The first lesson involves looking at the presentation with pictures of some of Andy Goldsworthy's work and then using some fruit and vegetables to create colour wheels (see worksheet). Please take pictures as we would love to see your colourful art work!
We know a lot of you enjoy doing lots of exercise at home, so please continue doing the exercise you love, whether its playing football, riding your bike or gymnastics. Here are the links to Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga if you want extra PE to do at home.
PE with Joe -
Cosmic Yoga -
Helpful resources
We know that this is a difficult time for everyone and we want the children to understand about the current situation in a way which teaches them but also takes away worries. Here are a few resources which you may find helpful to share with your child. It includes a video about social distancing and also some ebooks about coronavirus.
Dr Dog explains coronavirus link -