St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Continue to learn your sounds, words and spellings by completing the following 4 Read, Write Inc. lessons:
Each video is only 10/15 minutes long and they are available to watch from 9.30am. You can watch these anytime within 24 hours.
Please read the non-fiction text 'Our Incredible Planet' a second time. Then answer the questions at the back of the book. You can answer these questions through discussion or write in your Home Learning book.
Today's maths lesson focuses on partitioning numbers and follows on from yesterday's lesson. You can start the lesson playing a game of bingo (follow the link below). Then share the PowerPoint presentation lesson 3 and discuss the following questions:
What is the missing part?
Can you identify the whole from the given parts?
How many hundreds? tens? ones?
__ hundreds, __ tens, __ ones = ____.