St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning children and parents!
I hope you enjoyed your first day learning at home. Today you are going to be doing English, Maths and Art work. Don't forget to start your day with the Joe Wicks workout at 9am.
Today I would like you to do some phonics work. To start with practise your sounds using your sound mat in your purple folder. Then at 10.30 watch a live Read, Write Inc. phonics lesson. Use the link below:
These lessons are available daily so it would be great if you could watch them when you can.
After you have watched the lesson please sign up for an Oxford Owl account. It doesn't take long to do and gives you lots of free ebooks to read.
Today I would like you to read 'The Big Match'. Don't forget to practise the sounds, green and red words and then the questions.
Please log on to Mymaths. You have two acivities to complete; the first is number bonds to 20 and the second is 2D shapes. Once you have completed these why not play some of the maths games.
It's lovely to see that spring is finally here! I would like you to think about what you are thankful for in God's world. Why not go into the garden or look out of the window. Draw or paint a picture of what you are thankful for. It would be brilliant if you could share this with your friends and Mrs Davies and I by posting it on the Galileo class blog. I look forward to seeing them.
Enjoy your day everyone