St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning Year 2 Galileo children and parents,
It's your final week of being Year 2 children in Galileo class! We know it's not the same as a usual end to the summer term but we hope you enjoy your final week of home learning. We will still have some literacy and maths work for you daily, and the Topic page for you to choose some activities from but we will do our best to make it an enjoyable week with a few more fun activities to celebrate the end of the school year!
The children's reports will be available for collection from the school office from 1pm on Wednesday afternoon. Just to emphasise that we have graded these based on the children's standard of work in March (as we have been instructed.) In so many cases we can see how much your children have come on over the home-schooling period, so this will be acknowledged in our comments section. A huge thank you and well done to those of you who have stuck with us over the past few months - and continue to do so. It has been our aim to do our very best to keep the children progressing and this is what YOU have enabled your child to do.
We will also have your child's books ready for you to take home and look through together. I am keeping hold of most of the Religion books for now as we were due to have our Religion Denominational Inspection this summer term. These will be sent home as and when I know what evidence we made need to keep from this year. We will also be requesting that after the summer holidays a few books are returned for the coming year (again as we are required to keep evidence of the previous year's work.)
Finally, we always like to send our Year 2 children onto Year 3 with a framed certificate reflecting a character strength they have shown during their time with us. We will have these ready too. We will be making an 'Award Ceremony' video on Tuesday so all of the Year 2's can have a virtual presentation! Mrs Davies will be in class on Wednesday and so if you would like to say a quick hello and for me to pass your certificate over in person, please just ask Mrs Wood to buzz me and I will spring into action and land at the gate leading into the pre school playground. This might go some way towards making me feel like my favourite super hero; Wonder Woman (minus the costume!!!)
Please continue to review your sounds, reading and spelling words by watching and joining in with the Read, Write Inc. lessons. This week I would suggest focusing on the following videos:
Your Maths Learning For Today
During this last week we are going to do some revision and practice of multiplication tables and later in the week a return to the trickier area of time (to within 5 minutes). Our aim in doing this is to lead into a couple af areas you may like to practice over the holidays; practicing the 2, 5 and 10 times table and telling the time. This is not to give you extra work; more short bursts of practice when you have a few minutes.
Today's teaching video reminds us that number arrays or repeated addition sentences can also become multiplication sentences.
Choose a lesson for this afternoon from the Topic page. There's lots of fun tasks to choose from this week. The children in school will be doing some Science work this afternoon, designing a packet for sunflower seeds. Have a great afternoon!