St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Application, Transition and Transfer to
All Hallows Catholic College
Although regularly oversubscribed, all pupils in its seven faith partner primary schools enjoy the special privilege of being assured a place, irrespective of faith background in Y7, above the many pupils in other local primary schools who are also seeking an outstanding school which emphasises a ‘whole education which nurtures reflection on faith and moral purpose.’
St Paul's Catholic Primary School's special relationship ensures that the change from primary to secondary phase takes place as smoothly as possible and without unnecessary anxiety. Open Evenings are held at All Hallows Catholic College in the Summer term of Year 5 and again in the Autumn term of Year 6 to which parents and pupils are invited. The College recommends that parents of prospective students visit anytime from Year 4 onwards preferably on one of the regular open mornings.
Being a pupil in our school means that your child benefits from the extensive outreach work provided by All Hallows which gives our children regular opportunities to experience the College and what it has to offer. The activities include music, ICT, competitive sport, a business and enterprise project, collaborative performing arts activities, RE, retreat days, joint school council meetings, specialist languages teaching, a joint training/INSET day for teaching staff and regular meetings between Head Teachers and governors of all schools within the Learning Community.
A request for admission is made on the Common Application Form through the local authority in which you reside. This form is usually filled in on line although paper copies may be requested. Additionally parents are asked to fill in the Supplementary Form which is available for download from All Hallows website.
Parents of children offered places are also given the opportunity to attend the New Intake Parents' Evening in July. Throughout the year, the Principal, Mr Billings, holds coffee morning where parents can come and meet with him and ask questions. Arrangements are also made for pupils to visit the College for induction and a residential experience is offered at Liverpool Hope University in the summer term prior to entry. This gives the children a great opportunity to make new friends before they join All Hallows.
The Year 7 Learning Leader or another member of the team visits all Year 6 pupils after offers have been made and accepted and extensive collaboration takes place with primary Head teachers and Year 6 teachers regarding grouping of pupils and any special or additional needs which pupils may have. Detailed information concerning each individual pupil's level of attainment and progress in the National Curriculum, all test scores from standard and specially devised assessments and all relevant documentation are carefully collated and forwarded to the College. Where necessary, the All Hallows' Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator also visits the primary schools to acquire additional information about both very able and less able pupils. In this way, our children experience one curriculum, which provides the very best continuity from the age of 5 to 18 years and, in doing so, receive an excellent Christian education. All parents receive a welcome booklet which contains key information about All Hallows so that the partnership between parents and teachers is strong from the start.
There is an extensive coach service to All Hallows which covers all areas and extensive concessions are in place for successive children or according to need. Enquiries about transport costs may be directed to the finance department at All Hallows.
There are school coaches from Poynton and Disley which takes the children to and from All Hallows. The vast majority of St Paul’s Poynton and Disley pupils attending All Hallows use this bus.
More information on Open Mornings
More information on application
More information on transport
E mail the admissions secretary –