St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning everyone! Haven't we been very lucky to have such lovely weather this week? I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine and playing in your gardens or enjoying your exercise each day.Thank you for your blogging posts and emails; Mrs Rogers and I love to see the fruits of your hard work. For the next couple of weeks I am going to be putting new raffle tickets in my 'hat' for the chance to win my Mr Benn figure. He is quite rare as they stopped making them a long time ago. So, when I see your Mr Benn stories your name will go into the draw and I'll be awarding bonus tickets for other wonderful things I see.
All of our tasks are on here today. Our jobs are as follows;
I thought the I would put our blob tree on our page today so we can share with one another how we are feeling. You might like to show a member of your family which 'blob' character you most feel like today and ask them which they most feel like.
In today's collective worship video we will offer how we are feeling
... Anything we are thankful for, any worries we have, however we are feeling.
Click on the link below and you will find the video filmed last night in my garden!
A Message from Mrs Price-Uden
Eben had very kindly emquired about how Mrs Price-Uden is doing. I have been in touch with her every week; we make sure we are both behaving ourselves! She sent you all this message...
What a lovely thought to ask about me Eben. It has made me smile as I think about you and Galileo all the time. I love chatting to Mrs Davies to get all her news about you. I am working hard with lots of wonderful nurses visiting people at their homes to try and help them to feel well again. I look a bit funny in my mask and goggles! As I drive to work I see lots of wonderful rainbows in people's windows in Poynton which make me smile and think about you all. Hopefully I can come on the next Galileo trip once we get back to normal. I hope that you are doing lots of wonderful things at home. I loved Mrs Davies' Easter card video.
Lots of love,
Mrs Price-Uden
I hope that has made you all smile!
Anyway, I'd best move onto our jobs today...
Completing our crosses
If your cross needs painting or outlining in a fine black pen, do this before we move onto writing about it. If you would like to add any decorative collage material or highlight parts with 3d pens or glitter glue then do. I can't believe I have run out of my sparkly bits. I've had to order some for Luca from Amazon!!!
I would love to see any photographs of your crosses. If we were in school I would be putting them on display.
We are going to write about what we have chosen to illustrate on our cross but I am looking for you to reveal the meaning behind any pictures or symbols you have chosen.
Year 1 let us use this as an opportunity to also practice your handwriting; using those 'get ready lines' and to join 2 ideas together with 'and'.
Year 2, I will be looking for you to explain and join your ideas together by using conjunctions such as 'because, so, if and when.' We will also try to vary our sentence openers.
Below is an example of what I might write about the wooden cross I am 'pretending' I have made!
Hopefully from this you will see that I looking for you to reveal your knowledge of the Easter story and of some of the signs and symbols we see in Religious art work. Use my ideas and vocabulary to help you and below are a few scaffolding ideas on how you might start your sentences...
Our art work preparation for next week
Our art work this week has been creating our crosses. Next week we will be using our balloons to make a papier mache hot air balloon. In preparation for this, you will need a newspaper, PVA glue or cornflower and a little plastic or paper disposable bowl for the basket. You may be able to pick these up during a shopping trip or order. For anyone who struggles to do this I will arrange for these to be available from outside school next week. I will advise you of the day next week.
Maths Work
Today this is our 'my maths' homework. This will be set for year 1 and 2. If anyone has lost theit log in details, just email and I will send a reminder.
Afternoon well being activities
Mrs Malam had told me that Olivia had prepared her own collective worship prayer for her family. If you would like to do this and maybe share a prayer, song or thoughts with your friends, perhaps mum or dad could video you and I will put it onto our class page to share with your friends.
click 'login' and select 'espresso'
enter username 'student 6922', then password 'pauls321'
Good luck, enjoy your activities today and have a wonderful day.