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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 10th June

Good morning Year 2 ’s. Your maths learning is below, but our introduction to the day, Wednesday Word and literacy task are on our ‘Everybody Week 9’ page so I will send you there straight away! Please follow the link below...


Today's maths lesson continues to build on your knowledge of position and movement. The focus of the lesson is describing movement and turns by completing a series of practical tasks. Use the PowerPoint presentation lesson 1 and discuss the following questions:


Which way would you face if turning left/ right?
Which way would you face if you turn clockwise / anticlockwise?

Can you follow instructions ___?
Can you create instructions using left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise?


Information about the practical tasks can be found on today's worksheet. There is also a word bank which may help with writing instructions. If you want an additional challenge complete the activity called 'Memory Instructions'.


Our afternoon curriculum topic activities can be found from the link below...
Have a wonderful day everyone!