St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
The wonderful Joe Wicks is back! Every Friday I would like you to join him on his YouTube channel for a super motivating, energetic and mood boosting PE lesson! Keeping active is so important for our physical and mental health. I am going to set my family and I the challenge to join Joe on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday throughout lockdown! Post on the blog if you are going to join me in this challenge...let's do it! Don’t forget to post some photos of you taking part on our class blog- every post will receive a Dojo!
History- The Importance of Baghdad
For your History lesson today, I have recorded myself going through the lesson PowerPoint using 'Loom.' Hopefully, if the technology works, you should be able to click on the link below and begin the lesson. I have posted two lessons. They cover the same topic but one is aimed at Year 5 and the other is aimed at Year 6 (Year 6 includes a review of previous learning done on Anglo-Saxons from last summer.) Year 5 - feel free to complete this lesson if you are looking for an extra challenge!
If you would prefer to read through the PowerPoint without my voice over then you will find it below.
Please note there is a 'support resource' that can be printed out for children to use alongside the video if required.
RE - Moses and the Ten Commandments
Today I would like you you review your learning on Moses and the Ten Commandments. We have explored Moses and the Commandments in detail last term so today is your time to put your learning into practise!
Click on the link below to watch my RE Loom lesson. Remember you can pause the video at anytime - pausing the video will allow you to give yourself as much time as you need to complete the activities. If you would prefer to access the lesson without the audio then it is below for you saved as a PDF.
This lesson does not need to be completed all at once - you can stagger it out throughout the week to best fit your learning style.
Remember I would love you see some of your responses!
Dreams and Goals
I would like you to find some time over the next few days to complete the 'Family Calm Me Time Activity' with someone from your family or maybe even all of your family (click on the link below to access.) This activity is very similar to the 'Calm Me' activity we do in school using the clime bar at the beginning of PSHE lessons. Remember this is a great way to stop, relax and be mindful. You can use this recording as much as you like!
In PSHE this term, we will be exploring a topic titled 'Dreams and Goals.' I would like you to interview your family members (maybe even telephone call or FaceTime relative.) I would like you to ask them the following questions:
*Have they ever had a dream or a goal that they have achieved? If so, what was it?
What steps did they have to take to try to achieve it? Write notes on what you find out as we will use these in our next few lessons.