St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Please continue to follow the Read write inc lessons using the link below.
Set 1 speed sounds today's sound is f
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
Set 2 speed sounds today's sound is igh
Set 2 spellings
If you have already completed the Set 2 sounds please follow:
Red words 1 lesson and Hold a sentence 1 lesson. Do keep practising those set 2 sounds too.
Please have a second read of the book you read on Friday. If you have moved onto the Ditty Sheets - remind your child to keep using their sounding out skills they were using with the blending books. Support them to practise the words and read the short story.
If you have begun the Red books remember just read the first story - Ditty 1 'Sun hat fun'. Use the instructions at the beginning of the book to help you work through the pages. If you would like to send a short video of your child's we look forward to seeing them.
Todays activity is all about measuring ingredients. Watch the video first - session 5 today.
If you haven't got the correct ingredients for playdough, you are welcome to make anything else that requires measuring of ingredients. Have fun.
Here is the link to your video. Today you will be learning how to subtract not crossing 10. As always, pause the video at the appropriate points to complete the worksheet.
Afternoon Topic Activities
This week we have lots more fun activities for you to enjoy - try and select one each day choosing which one suits you best that day.