St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Good morning. Today, the family and friends of Mrs Davies will be celebrating her life and saying prayers for her. If you think that you are able to and would like to spend some time together remembering and praying for her, there are some resources available here:
Below, there is a Powerpoint presentation called 'Because of Jesus'. It is a resource designed to support schools with a bereavement. If you feel you would like to use this resource as a family, you may like to read through the assembly plan first which will some explanation for the slides.
Alternatively, you may simple wish to say or write a prayer for Mrs Davies.
Use the powerpoint below to help you to create a word bank which will be useful when we are writing autobiographies and stories about your Superheroes. Try to think about the presentation of your work.
Your computing work is all about coding. You will find the activities on Purple Mash. Year 3 the Tick, Tock Activity follows on from the Magician and Night and Day work we did last week.
Year 4, you have 3 activities to complete. Watch the video at the beginning of the unit, then follow the instructions. There is a hint if you need it! Once, you complete each challenge, there will be a button near the top of the screen saying 'next challenge'. Click on that to get to the next challenge! Don't worry of you don't get through all of the activities.
Start with the Magician, then do Night and Day then do the Tick Tock Challenge.