St Paul's Catholic Primary School
A Voluntary Academy
Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero
Here are today's sounds for our Read Write Inc phonics lessons
Set 1 speed sounds - today's sound is i
Set 1 word time
Set 1 spellings
**Today Set 2 sounds start again so if you haven't started Set 2 sounds maybe have a go today!**
Set 2 speed sounds - today's sound is ay
Set 2 spellings
Red words 1 lesson and hold a sentence 1 lesson
Set 3 speed sounds - today's sound is a-e
Watch session 3 today- it is a continuation of yesterday's, comparing numbers within 10.
Today you have another activity session on comparing height. Watch the video and complete the practical activities.
Afternoon topic activities
Click on the link below and choose one of our World Book Day activities, and enjoy our Gruffalo story activities.